I think the title says it all

Monday, August 22, 2005

I am using Flickr for the Pictures -- HERE THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!

If U have a flickr account, you cam subscribe to my pictures,
CLICK HERE for my regular flickr account.

There are 400 some pictures, click on them for more sizes and info on downloading, adding them to your website or blog, and html code.
E-mail me with comments!!

3/21/05 -- The First Day
3/22/05 -- Second Day
3/23/05 -- Third Day
3/24/05 -- Fourth Day
3/25/05 -- The Last Day

I have more pictures but that would take so much more time, I already took 19 hours just to get these up, so deal! I might get the video ready, if you want it and were on the WDC Trip then e-mail me and I might send it 2 u!